Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Panda slipers

For these slippers I took the idea from a workbook magaizine and modified the slipper design from Crochet today! to fit an adult sized foot.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dee and Gee's newspaper ad

I helped make the news paper ad for Bob's birthday at Dee and Gee's. I gave them three options of looks and drawings that could be interchangable. The last one was the one that got print. I don't get the newspaper so unfortuantly I have yet to see it.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Giraffe Sweater

I used a pattern from crochet today for the sweater vest. The giraffe I looked at a photo of a giraffe and just free handed the shape.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Open Letter to the Older Generation (Dubstep Update)

So I made a mashup. I love listening to mashups so I thought why not make one myself.
The link is here:


Open Letter to the Older Generation - Dick Clark
Watch Out - Doctor P
Equatorfinal - Hypno Cat
Encore - Bassnector

Deviance (feat. Excision) -Datsik